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ALVA Attractions Recovery Tracker – Scotland Report

Our colleagues at the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) have provided ASVA with the latest tranche of consumer research exploring how the public is feeling about visiting attractions and what attractions can do to build confidence and trust in visiting again amongst the public. The latest research, commissioned by ALVA and undertaken by Decision House saw fieldwork taking place between 3rd and 9th March, with a report produced specifically focussing on Scottish consumers.
Key highlights from the report include:

  • Compared with the UK as a whole, Scotland’s residents are now more confident about returning to outdoor attractions in less crowded environments but less confident about indoor attractions and those where potential for crowds is higher.
  • Overall, visit confidence among Scotland’s residents is now slightly above that of the UK as a whole and confidence has seen a sharp upturn in the past month.
  • Whilst excitement around returning to attractions is high amongst Scottish residents, there is also more of an enduring desire to see safety measures remain in place than the rest of the UK.
  • Compared with the UK overall, Scotland’s residents retain much more anxiety around using the indoor elements of attractions when they re-open, although anxiety is now considerably lower than it was among Scotland’s residents at the end of summer 2020.
  • Safety measures, such as limiting visiting numbers, staff making sure visitors follow distancing measures and staff visibly cleaning surfaces, remain even more comforting to Scotland’s residents than they are to residents of the UK as a whole.

The report concludes that Scotland’s more cautious, health-led approach to the pandemic could well lead to a quicker recovery in demand for visiting attractions than in the rest of the UK. However, this health-led approach has also resulted in a public which requires more reassurance in the form of safety measures. As a result, Scotland’s attractions may need to retain a stronger presence of safety measures in order to support this confidence.

To view the complete report, please click here