We are seeking to appoint new directors from applicants within the ASVA membership who can support the organisation to fulfil this vision and contribute to the strategy and governance of ASVA, while overseeing the effective delivery of the five-year business plan.
ASVA has a committed Executive Team and Board, with a growing membership and aspirations to further develop membership, as well as further enhancing representation of the Scottish visitor attraction sector. With much of the sector still in recovery from the pandemic and a challenging economic climate, new Directors will play a significant role in the future of the organisation and the important work the organisation undertakes to support the Scottish visitor attractions. In addition to making a meaningful contribution to the future of the sector, Directors will also benefit from developing a broader knowledge of the industry, have the opportunity to enhance their network and participate in other Board specific engagements.
Process and Timeline:
- 10th October – Nominations open
- Applicants must represent an organisation currently in ASVA membership
- Applications by email to Michael Golding, ASVA CEO michael@asva.co.uk. These should include:
- CV
- Covering letter – highlighting how you can support the delivery of the ASVA vision and how, if applicable, you meet the diversity, representation and skills the Board is seeking
- Nomination requirements:
- “I confirm that I as candidate allow myself to be nominated at the ASVA AGM to stand for election as an ASVA Board Member” – please copy this without amends into your application email
- A scanned letter including proposer name, organisation, and a wet ink signature OR an email from the proposer with the proposer name and organisation, stating their support for your nomination
- A scanned letter including seconder name, organisation, and a wet ink signature OR an email from the seconder with the seconder name and organisation, stating their support for your nomination
- 26th October 2pm – Nominations close
- Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview following the closing date and successful applicants will be included in the notice of the AGM
- Directors’ appointment confirmed and commence from the AGM
The Role:
- The Board meets four times per year
- Contribute to the strategy and governance of the organisation
- Opportunities may be provided to represent the attractions sector with decision makers
- Provide insight and understanding of the attractions sector
- Support and advise the Executive Team in delivery of the business plan
The ensure a diverse, representative and skilled board, we are particularly encouraging applications from:
- Under 50
- Male
- Black and ethnic minorities
- Represent organisations in the Highlands and Islands Enterprise or South of Scotland Enterprise regions
- Represent an organisation who is an Attraction member of ASVA
- Skills in any of the following areas: Policy, Governance & Strategy, Value delivery, Sales and Marketing, Finance, HR, Visitor Experience, Technology and Data, Sustainability, Media & Communication
We encourage you to consider this opportunity and share it with those who you think might be perfect for the role, so we can help ensure a bright future for Scottish attractions and ASVA.
The current Board of Directors can be found here. If you have any questions regarding this recruitment process, please contact either the CEO Michael Golding michael@asva.co.uk or Chair Paul Nixon pnixon@realmarykingsclose.com.