Communications Officer
Organisation: CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts
Salary: The salary for this position is £14,400 per annum (£24,000FTE)
Location: Glasgow
CCA is recruiting for a Communications Officer to support all communications activity for CCA, with a focus on the website, social media and e-newsletters.
The post is part time (3 days per week / 21 hours / 0.6 FTE) and there is flexibility about which days are worked. Some of the work will be undertaken from CCA and some remotely from your home. The salary for this position is £14,400 per annum (£24,000FTE)
CCA is committed to recruiting people from underrepresented communities and welcomes applications from candidates with a diverse background. We are always happy to talk to potential candidates about the role in more detail, so if you would like more information about the post or the organisation, please contact ailsa@cca-glasgow.com.
For more information about the job role please see www.cca-glasgow.com.
Applications must be submitted on the CCA application form with an equal opportunities form to recruitment@cca-glasgow.com by 12noon on Monday 28 June.
Interviews will take place on line (via Zoom) in week commencing 5 July.
Start date July/August 2021
Application Deadline: Monday 28/06/2021