Fare Consulting has been a trade member of ASVA for over 6 years. During that time we have attended the annual conference as a delegate and on several occasions had a trade stand. The conference is the most amazing opportunity to network with visitor attraction sector professionals and hear from world class speakers on industry trends and innovation.

ASVA has always been incredibly supportive of the consultancy, giving us many opportunities to promote our services e.g. speaking at events or distributing marketing materials. We have worked together to provide members with workshop and webinar support, with ASVA providing a targeted, engaged and eager to learn audience.

I cannot underestimate how valuable membership of ASVA has been to Fare Consulting, enabling us to have direct contact with clients who we have been able to help on short- and long-term catering projects.

Sandra Reid – Director, Fare Consulting

The Clydeside Distillery is an active member of ASVA, gaining from the wealth of industry knowledge and experience available. Improving and sharing best practice, networking with industry peers and utilising all the support available through ASVA.

All team members do the one day Exceeding Visitor Experience which is an excellent course to ensure we maintain and improve on our 5 star experience.

Since joining ASVA as a member we have never looked back. The support throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been first class and showed the strength of being a member of such a strong community during a very challenging period.

I would recommend membership of ASVA to any visitor attraction no matter their size and look forward to seeing membership grow and develop in the years ahead.

As a member of ASVA, The Macallan Distillery has benefited greatly from being in the strong network ASVA provides that helps us develop our guest experience through the collaborative sharing of best practise and combined vision for the future of exceptional visitor experiences in Scotland

We are strong supporters of ASVA because it has a single-minded objective of helping improve the quality of the customer experience in our industry, and does so with great enthusiasm, commitment and professionalism.

Over the years, it has introduced leading-edge training initiatives such as: Be a Quality Advisor for a Day, and Exceeding Visitor Expectations, both of which have proved hugely successful for all who participated.