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Updated Timetable for Easing Restrictions

Last week the Scottish Government announced the relaxation of restrictions, with the “stay at home” order lifted on Friday 2nd April and replaced with “stay local”, whereby everyone is asked to remain within their local authority boundaries except for essential journeys.

Further to this, the Scottish Government has published a timetable setting out how and when the Scottish Government plan to lift the current coronavirus restrictions over the coming weeks and months. The timetable is updated on a regular basis and contains all the pertinent indicate and confirmed dates for the re-opening of the country.

As it stands, and as confirmed by the Frist Minister at her latest briefing, the 26th of April remains the next significant date for more reopening, with the reopening of the majority of visitor attractions (with some exceptions – e.g. soft play, funfair rides) permitted from this date.

The timetable can be viewed at this link.